Moonlight Society


The Moonlight Society accepts individuals who score at or above an I.Q. of 174 (S.D. 15) on one of the accepted tests. This score corresponds to approximately 1 in 2,500,000 of the general adult population.

Membership Benefits

Benefits include access to a members-only Discord server, waived scoring fees for all tests offered by Skillitani Testing, and the option to have your name, a short biography, and website URL listed on a dedicated webpage.

Qualification Information

Individuals with an I.Q. score of 174 (S.D. 15) or higher on any of the accepted tests are eligible to join by submitting proof (e.g., score report, certificate, or email confirmation) to Only first attempts are considered. Furthermore, known cheaters and frauds are prohibited from joining the Moonlight Society.

Members of Paul Cooijmans' Giga Society also qualify.

Accepted Tests

Test Type Author
The Alchemist Test Mixed Anas El Husseini
Numerus Strictus Logicae 36 Numerical Andrei Udriste
Medius Cifra Abstrusa 37 Numerical Andrei Udriste
Logica Rigor Numerorum 38 Numerical Andrei Udriste
Numodyssey Numerical Ivan Ivec
SPEED Spatial Ivan Ivec
LSHR Spatial Ivan Ivec
Cats Are Tailors-Form II Spatial Mahir Wu
N-World Numerical Mahir Wu
Numeric Inspiration Test Numerical Mahir Wu
Cyfers Numerical Matt Scillitani
Eclipses Spatial Matt Scillitani
Last Association Test Verbal Matt Scillitani
InFusion Test Mixed Matt Scillitani
Two-Thirds InFusion Mixed Matt Scillitani
Test of the Beheaded Man Mixed Paul Cooijmans
COLT-2 Mixed Paul Cooijmans
Labyrinthine LIMIT Mixed Paul Cooijmans
The Nemesis Test Mixed Paul Cooijmans
PIGS 2 Mixed Paul Cooijmans
Test For Genius Mixed Paul Cooijmans
JINA TEST Numerical Tianxiang Shao